Being The BEST You Programme
The success mindset
Communication - what happens in our mind
Attitudes that count
Key Principles for Success
Creating a compelling vision and winning goals that light you up
Introduction of the 'board break'
Verbal and non-verbal communication to get maximum results
The secret to communicating with anyone
Building relationships and influencing people
Communicating in everyone's language
Using language for maximum impact
Changing Behaviours - Techniques to overcome the obstacles that get in the way of success
Being in the right state - managing your emotions
Changing your responses to situations - know how to REALLY use your brain
Seeing other perspectives
How to turn negatives into positives
Beliefs and Values - why people do what they do
Gaining a sense of direction - your WHY
Beliefs - empowering or disempowering - what would you prefer?!
Values - the key to motivating and influencing (both personal and corporate)
Understanding and influencing behaviour - deep filters
Strategies - uncovering your secret programmes
Core Coaching skills
How to coach
Emotional Intelligence
Coaching Models - i.e. grow, score, cartesian logic
The Finale -Break the board & SMASH through your limitations!
Comprehensive programme of 6 modules
Up to 12 people
These are a couple of the videos of the board break exercise from my last ‘Being the Best You’ Programme. These guys absolutely smashed through any limitations that they’ve had holding them back - absolutely nailed it! They were amazing!